Monday, February 28, 2011

Melancia [1]

Oi =D
Gente, vou começar unha sessão sobre unhas aqui no Use Blush ok?! E esse é o primeiro (=, espero que gostem! Cada post terá no título o número da sessão entre colchetes, para vocês saberem que faz parte deste conteúdo" por exemplo Melancia [1] - Melancia é o nome do post e [1] significa que é o 1º post desta sessão.

Então, vamos falar sobre melancia? Não sobre a mulher melancia, mas sim sobre o esmalte!
Há uns tempinhos atrás eu citei que já havia usado, mas nunca fiz um post específico para ele, mas, hoje chegou o dia do vermelho mais fácil de passar que eu já encontrei.
O esmalte melancia é da Coleção NUTRIVERNIZ da Colorama, uma linha com vitaminas e complexos que auxiliam no cuidado com as unhas;
A cor é simplesmente fantástica, duas camadas são super suficientes, é fácilimo de passar e de tirar os borradinhos também; sinceramente não é como os outros vermelhos do mercado que insistem em deixar nosso dedo borrado de vermelho. Esse não, ele tem uma cor maravilhosa e como é fácil de passar/tirar fica melhor ainda.
Retirado daqui

Bom, a história foi a seguinte: dia 25/02 foi aniversário do meu irmão ♥ (ele fez 10 anos) e pediu pra eu passar esmalte vermelho, resolvi então passar o melancia, e ele me perguntou  nome do esmalte, eu respondi, e ele disse: porque vc não passa a pontinha verde, vai realmente parecer uma melancia, daí fiz isso e fui além:
(aaaah, não reparem na cutícula e nem nas pontinhas saindo, eu tirei a foto antes de tirar o esmalte, então já estava tudo estragado "/)

Os esmaltes que eu usei foram:
Melancia - Colorama
Preto Sépia - Risqué
Verde Palmeira - Colorama

Meu irmão ADOROU! Agora ele quer maracujá, maçã, uva, quer que eu fique fazendo a "feira" na minha unha, mas ok, vou ver o que faço e compartilho com vocês. Meu pai e um amigo meu disseram que parece uma joaninha (¬¬'), e mais umas outras pessoas adoraram e acharam fofíssimo. Eu gostei até, acho que poderia ter usado outro verde ue teria ficado melhor, ou feito dois tons de verde, sei lá, mas foi a primeira vez.

E vocês, gostaram?
Beijos beijos

Sunday, February 27, 2011

2010 Fechado Para Balanço - Parte 2: Álbuns

Você provavelmente nem lembra de alguns artistas da lista abaixo que apareceram recentemente (Hurts, Marina And The Diamonds, Miami Horror), imagina se vai lembrar dos discos. Bom, culpa da volatilidade dos tempos (ou seja, da Internet - se é pra escolher um bode expiatório). As coisas vem e vão com muita rapidez. E como seu HD já está empaturrado com as fotos em alta resolução das suas férias em Trancoso, pra que ficar ocupando espaço com discos do longínquo ano de 2010, se em 2011 vai aparecer muito mais coisa boa pra descartar? Bora.

The Suburbs
> Arcade Fire: Eles não perdem a mão, não tem jeito. Uma e outra chatinha, mas uma nota 8 pra um disco gravado no Século 21 é um acontecimento.  Swim > Caribou: Canadá e Austrália são o futuro do pop? Sei lá, mas Daniel Snaith encontrou o elo perdido entre ousadia e facilidade pop.
Crystal Castles > Crystal Castles: Posudos, esquisitos, junkies. Cabe tudo nessa dupla canadense. E o som atiça. Ô se atiça.
Plastic Beach > Gorillaz: Entupindo os créditos com "Featuring...", o esperto Damon Albarn garantiu o melhor álbum da ban... digo, projeto Gorillaz.
Happiness > Hurts: Olhares pro vazio, pompa, afetação e música boa. A receita do tecnopop como nós (os trintões) conhecemos está toda aqui.
The Family Jewels > Marina And The Diamonds: A melhor trilha sonora para a faxina da casa de 2010, disparado.
Heligoland > Massive Attack: O Massive de sempre é tudo que nós queremos. Nublado, tenso, enigmático.
Illumination > Miami Horror: House, rock, progressivo, synthpop... o esmerado trabalho de produção de Ben Plant é digno de um tapeceiro persa.
20Ten > Prince: Marrento é ele. E daí? Continua sublime. Sem enrolação, um disco de 10 faixas com 8 sensacionais. Pro Prince, é uma média no mínimo aceitável.
Oversteps > Autechre: Quando a gente pensa que não existem mais timbres inexplorados, surge esse milagre da eletrônica.

"Celestica" de Crystal Castles: eles sabem amaciar de vez em quando.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Para recomeçar bem

Nada melhor do que voltar de férias e recuperar as energias, não é mesmo?!
Eu comecei pelas unhas e cabelos (:
Primeiro matei a saudade que eu estava do Absinto (Colorama)   Como pode ser tão lindo assim?! Que querido!

Quanto ao cabelo, destaque para o salão Rubenyvan de Coimbra em Portugal.
Rubenyvan Cabeleireiros|Spa
Recebi aconselhamento da Rosa Mendes e as mãos de anjo da Sónia a cuidar do meu cabelo!

Foi também minha primeira experiência com cromoterapia aliada à sua saúde capilar. A cromoterapia é uma ciência que utiliza a cor para estabelecer o equilíbrio e a harmonia do corpo, da mente e das emoções. Luxor Hair Spa é o serviço disponível no salão de Coimbra que utiliza uma cabine/lavatório muito parecida com esta da foto a seguir para realização do tratamento. Este é um novo conceito de lavagem de cabelo, com recurso a técnicas cromoterapêuticas e de massagem.
cabine/lavatório de cabelo (este modelo: lançamento na Beauty Fair 2009)
É na parte superior, no "arco", que observam-se as mudanças luminosas de cores. Os adeptos da cromoterapia entendem que cada cor possui uma vibração específica e uma capacidade terapêutica. É neste espaço que pode-se tratar os cabelos em profundidade enquanto descontrai e usufrui também dos benefícios de uma massagem. Durante o tempo de cromoterapia, esteve a fazer efeito no meu cabelo, por 20 min, o tratamento da Redken de brilho para cabelos.

Corpo e mente relaxados?! Chegou a hora da tesoura!
Aliviei o peso do corte reto que meu cabelo tinha com um escadeado (em brasileiro: camadas) admirável hhehe
corte (e brilho!) lateral
corte (e brilho!) parte de trás
Toparia uma sessão como esta todas as semanas! Quem não ia gostar?!
Um salão lindo, de ótimo atendimento e um resultado maravilhoso assim (:

Beijos ●๋•

Friday, February 25, 2011

Paris Ballerine

Meninas ♥ olha só que amor a nova coleção de maquiagens da Bourjois inspirada nas bailarinas:

O sucesso do filme Cisne Negro deixou em alta o romantismo e a poesia do ballet.
A Bourjois lançou para sua coleção de primavera batons, delineadores, sombras e outras gracinhas, tudo bem rosinha e delicado!

A coleção inclui:
  • Duas sombras: Rose dragée délicat e Argent scintillant.
  • Três lápis: Ultra Black, Sand Rose e New Wave Blue.
  • Uma  máscara Volume Glamour.
  • Um iluminador de rosto.
  • Dois esmaltes nas cores Rose satin e Bleu asphalte.
  • E paleta de tons pastéis e rosas: Rose innocence, Rose romantique e Rose passionnée.
Um amor!
Nas lojas a partir de março! ♥

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dicas de make para olhos grandes

Bom dia meninas

O post de hoje é para atender ao pedido da minha amiga Sam: ow, sugiro que vc faça um post sobre make pra diminuir olho grande. mas grande mesmo, nao pequenino do tamanho de 1 botão. Hehe

Hahaha, só ela! (: Pedido feito, pedido atendido! Então, vamos lá?

A primeiríssima dica que dou é: assista aos vídeos da nossa rainha Julia Petit! Ela é dona do olhão mais incrível que existe e dá dicas preciosíssimas de como valorizá-los e evidenciá-los (adoooro!).


Lápis preto na parte interna dos olhos
O lápis na linha d'água ajuda a fechar o olhar e, consequentemente, diminui os olhos.

Aposte num delineado mais grossinho.

Smokey Eye Clássico
Cores escuras na pálpebra também ajudam a diminuir o tamanho dos olhos, pois criam um efeito de profundidade às pálpebras. Mas lembre-se de criar o esfumado, para que a sombra não fique muito carregada.
A sombra deve ser passada junto à raiz dos cílios, no côncavo e no canto externo da pálpebra. A mesma sombra também pode ser aplicada rente à raiz dos cílios inferiores, mas deve ser um toque sutil. A ideia é ter tons mais escuros próximos à linha dos cílios e mais claros/esfumados próximos ao côncavo. (ver imagens abaixo)


Principalmente nos cílios superiores e acompanhado do nosso amigo curvex (atenção: sempre aplicar o curvex antes do rímel, para a saúde de seus cílios!). A dupla é infalível para olhares marcantes e acabamentos dignos.

Para dar um efeito iluminado na maquiagem, aplique um pouco de sombra clara próximo à sobrancelha. Ela deixará essa região com um leve brilho.

Imagem de Julia Petit (a imagem aumenta se você clicar nela)
  • Sombras claras. A clara deve ser usada perto da sobrancelha.
  • Lápis branco ou bege na linha d’água, pois eles abrem o olhar.
  • Delineado super fino na linha dos cílios superiores
  • Côncavo mega marcado com cor muito mais escura do que a que for aplicada na pálpebra.
Imagem de Julia Petit

Também tem link para dois tutoriais: Dicas e truques: diminuir olhos e Aula de make: olhos grandes

Espero que as dicas tenham sido úteis! (:
Qualquer dúvida, é só perguntar.
Um beijo a todas e um superbeijo para a Sam!

Monday, February 21, 2011

cabelo de celebridade

Oi =D
como eu falei sexta sobre como cuidar dos cabelos, eu resolvi mostrar para vocês os cabelos das celebridades que eu mais gosto e os que eu não gosto. Digo e repito: é a MINHA OPINIÃO, cada um tem um gosto, um estilo e se elas se sentem bem assim, perfeito pra elas, mas eu não usaria cabelo como os das que eu não gosto.

Eu realmente ADORO cabelos loiros e vermelhos, os castanhos não muito, as madeixas pretas e/ou pretas azuladas também me chamam muito a atenção.
Cabelos lisos escorridos eu não gosto tanto assim como pensam, gosto quando tem um movimento, algumas camadas, umas ondas e afins, mas, o cabelo da Cléo Pires é digno, acho LINDO.
O meu cabelo natural é bem cacheado (vocês já viram aqui né?!), daí eu fiz progressiva e ele ficou escorrido, me agradou por um tempo, agora eu quero cachos ou ondas nas PONTAS, apenas nas pontas, do estilo que está o da Gisele ou o da Mariana nas fotos abaixo, mas minha meta mesmo é o da Dulce Maria, já que já estou ruiva, quero IGUAL o dela nessa foto, em relação a tamanho, cor e estilo.

Apesar das artistas mudarem com muita frequencia e terem cabeleireiros todos os dias (praticamente) umas têm cabelos maravilhosos e outras horríveis (pelo menos na minha opinião) e vou mostrar entre as celebridades, quais possuem o cabelo que eu acho mais bonito e mais bem cuidado:
Cléo Pires
Milena Toscano
Mariana Rios
Gisele Büdchen
Jennifer Aniston
Hayley Williams (enquanto ela estava com ESSE cabelo, as outras versões eu não gostei e não achei bem cuidado!)
Dulce Maria (minha meta de cabelo, essa cor, essas ondas)
Celebridades que eu acho o cabelo feio ou não tão bem cuidado:
Beyonce (tem cara de artificial demais, não gosto!)
Ana Maria Braga (parece que uma galinha ciscou no cabelo dela)
Xuxa (digna de ter um lindo cabelo, mas NÃO!, tem corte de hominho, ninguem merece)

Preta Gil (nem comento NADA pra ela inteira)

E aí, quais vocês gostam, quais não gostam? quais têm vontade de testar e qual não!?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Justin Bieber Gives Teens Dating Advice

Justin Bieber Gives Teens Dating Advice: "

Teen girls all want to date Justin Bieber, but they'll just have to settle for his dating advice.

The 16-year old superstar and 'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D' film star is the hottest property in the world, drawing desperate screams from teenage girls around the world. He sits down with Moviefone to answer their questions -- and of course, they're mostly about dating.

If you are lucky enough to get a date with the Bieb, take note: he doesn't like scary movies. Then again, he is rumored to be dating Disney star Selena Gomez.




Who Is Justin Bieber? Here's Your Guide

Who Is Justin Bieber? Here's Your Guide: "

What's a Justin Bieber? Glad you asked.

The shaggy haired, diminutive popstar is taking the world by storm -- now that he's conquered every teenage girl out there -- and his movie, 'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never' comes out this weekend. Here's what you need to know:

Bieber comes from the small town of Stratford, Ontario, the son of soon-to-be single mother Patti Mallette, a very devout Christian. He does remain relatively close to his father. Born into modest circumstances, he displayed an early talent for singing and considerable charm, and soon began to post videos of his singing to YouTube so that his family could see him perform.

When music manager Scooter Braun caught wind of the videos, he quickly moved to sign Bieber, introduced him to Usher and over the past few years, he's skyrocketed to stardom.

His debut song, 'One Time,' was a number one hit, reaching the top slot around the world. Girls soon began to scream for his voice, natural ease and perhaps boy next door qualities, and there have even been security concerns during his tours given their insatiable enthusiasm and desperation to even touch him.

His first album, 2009's 'My World,' went platinum in the US and twice platinum in his native Canada. Perhaps his most famous song is 'Baby.' He was helped to stardom in large part by Twitter -- he has over seven million followers, and until the site changed its algorithm, was a constant presence at the top of its trending topics list. His fans tweet him constantly, and follow anyone he mentions.

An extended edition, 'My World 2.0,' is a two times platinum release in the US. Both albums hit number one. He also has a memoir titled 'First Step 2 Forever: My Story'.

He now stars in 'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,' a half-concert, half-biographical film. It's received mostly positive reviews from critics. To promote the film, he's made endless late night show appearances, including this amusing body-switching sketch with Jon Stewart, pretending to go bald with Jimmy Kimmel and meeting with the Church Lady (aka Dana Carvey) on 'SNL'.

Here's a sampling of reviews. A trailer for the movie follows the reviews.

David Edelstein, NPR:

The movie is cunningly woven to show the tension between his insane success and his determination to remain a sane, normal 16-year-old. His background helps. His teenage mom and dad split when he was 10 months old -- but we're told he always had the love of his mother and her parents, not to mention God and Jesus. He wasn't hatched in a studio incubator. His talent manager, Scott 'Scooter' Braun, first saw him on YouTube. He couldn't interest record companies, though, because Bieber didn't have the requisite connection to Disney or Nickelodeon. So Braun enlisted Usher, whom Bieber idolized. But in the end, says Braun, Bieber sold himself.

Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer:

What the 3-D film lacks in cinematic charm and ingenuity is compensated for by its subject's high-wattage charisma and low-key earnestness. This is not A Hard Day's Night, even if Bieber has a Beatles haircut and shakes windswept locks like puppy emerging from tub.

Mike Hale, New York Times:

At 70 or 80 minutes, reduced to crazy fans, backstage atmosphere and home-movie footage of Mr. Bieber playing hockey and pounding the drums, 'Never Say Never' could have been entirely satisfying. At 105 minutes it's exhausting, even though it has been expertly cut together.

WATCH the trailer:

For even more on Bieber, including authentic fan comments and reactions, click over to teen-focused site



Will Justin Bieber Win The Grammy For Best New Artist?

Will Justin Bieber Win The Grammy For Best New Artist?: "

Did Grammy voters catch Bieber fever?

The 16-year old popstar is looking to complete a dream weekend -- having seen his biography/concert movie 'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never' make over $30 million at the box office, he's looking to take home some Grammy gold, as well.

He's up for two awards, including Best New Artist. Will he win? You tell us -- but before you do, check our complete Justin Bieber guide.



PHOTOS Justin Biebers Wardrobe Malfunction

PHOTOS: Justin Bieber's Wardrobe Malfunction: "

A little word of advice to Justin Bieber and his handlers: XYZ before you leave the house. X-amine Your Zipper! The Associated Press points out that the pop star "left the barn door open" on his D&G suit at Sunday night's Grammy Awards...something we're pleased to announce that we didn't notice on our own.

Wardrobe malfunction aside, we appreciated The Biebs' attempt to bring back the white suit, with what appear to be orthopedic shoes, so much so that we put him on our best-dressed list. But we noticed some of you disagreed with our decision. So let's settle it for once and for all. What do you think?



Justin Bieber Flirts With Chelsea Handler, Mocks Lady Gaga

Justin Bieber Flirts With Chelsea Handler, Mocks Lady Gaga: "

Disappointed over his loss at the Grammys, Justin Bieber found the right place for some very sweet sympathy.

The 16-year old, who lost out to Esperanza Spalding for the Best New Artist Grammy on Sunday, appeared on 'Chelsea Lately' on Monday night, and he got a little flirtatious pick-me-up from host Chelsea Handler. Though it may have just been awkward for the Bieb.

Handler quizzed Bieber on his love life, including rumors that he's dating Selena Gomez and a special spread in Us Magazine that included Handler amongst women Bieber has flirted with (no doubt citing his April, 2010 appearance on her show).

Handler said the spread hurt her feelings, and that comment, along with more questions about Gomez, had Bieber frozen up -- until he made sure she knew that 'she looks very beautiful' and that he's always looking at pictures of her, no matter how many long hours he works. Smooth moves.

She also asked him about his thoughts on Lady Gaga's arrival to the Grammy's in an egg. His response?

'People say it's artistic and stuff. I'm just like, 'you're an egg.''




Justin Bieber Shot & Killed... On TV

Justin Bieber Shot & Killed... On TV: "

At least his hair looked good as it happened.

Justin Bieber finished off his multi-episode run on 'CSI' with a bang, getting shot and killed by furious police fire. He was no innocent, however, as he played a trouble teen who shot at the police first during a big standoff.

At least he had a better bit of luck on the big screen this weekend -- his movie, 'Justin Bieber: Never Say Never' made over $30 million.




TJ Walker: Justin Bieber Brings Rolling Stone to Its Knees

TJ Walker: Justin Bieber Brings Rolling Stone to Its Knees: "

Folks, don't try this at home. Justin Bieber, and his army of handlers, actually had the clout to get Rolling Stone to put out a clarification about its recent interview with Bieber. Here are details from

Outrage almost immediately followed from folks who couldn't believe the answer Justin had given when asked whether abortions should be allowed in cases of rape, but no one was more upset that Justin's camp, who insisted he was misquoted.

Sure enough, something was very much omitted from his answer. After a lot of pressure, the mag had to post this message on their site and provide Justin's exact answer without the omission. The article reads:

Due to an editing error, this story originally included an incomplete quote from Justin Bieber. The full quote, his response to whether abortions should be allowed in cases of rape, reads: 'Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that.'

Two things jump out at me here. One is Perez Hilton's description of this as a misquote. He wasn't misquoted. Bieber was quoted accurately. It just wasn't as long a quote as team Bieber wanted.

Two, Rolling Stone's description of its story as having an 'incomplete quote' is truly extraordinary. I've never seen a media outlet admit to this before. Why? Because every single quote could always be described as an incomplete quote because you always could have tacked on another sentence or two.

It's true that when you look at the longer quote, Bieber's message is softened and seems less offensive to most people. Still, it's not a reporter's job to make the interview subject appear inoffensive to readers.

The rule I teach my clients is that when you are in a media interview, every single sentence and every phrase out of your mouth could be quoted in isolation so you have to make sure that each idea can stand on its own. Complex ideas in media interviews are usually dangerous for that very reason.

My clients often complain about being misquoted, and when I ask them enough questions, it turns out they were not misquoted. Next, they complain about being quoted out of context. But then the clients realize that every quote is quoted out of context. All quotes are pulled out of the context of an entire conversation, most of which didn't make the final story. So it's futile to complain about being quoted out of context.

Most of the time when someone complains to me about being misquoted, what he or she really means is this: 'I was quoted accurately. I don't like my quote because it makes me look stupid. I don't want to blame myself, even though I said it. So I think I will blame the reporter or the publication.'

Tough! I repeat; it's not the reporter's job to make you look good. It's your job to make yourself look good in an interview.

I would caution any PR person or business executive from looking at the Rolling Stone retraction and clarification on this Bieber 'rape' issue and drawing any lessons from it. The only lesson I learn is that if you are the number one tween singing sensation on the planet and you have all of the most powerful agents, lawyers, publicists, and media corporations working on your behalf, you can get almost any media outlet to bend over backwards to say whatever you want.

But if you aren't Justin Bieber and you want the media to do a 'correction' or 'clarification' because you don't like the length of your quotes, good luck!

Because it's not going to happen!



Justin Bieber MuchMusic Interview February 2011

Justin Bieber MuchMusic Interview February 2011: "

Here is an interview Justin Bieber did on MuchMusic earlier this month. In the video he talks about his new movie “Never Say Never,” which hit theaters in 3D on February 11, 2011. At the end of the interview his adorable sister Jazzy Bieber comes to say hi and she ends up staying for the rest of the interview. PS – she has the cutest shoes!

Watch the interview below and be sure to tell us if you have seen Justin’s new movie “Never Say Never”!



cuide bem do seu cabelo!

Oiiiiiiiiiii meninas (=
Desculpa meu sumiço? Eu estou cheia de coisa pra fazer, a faculdade mal começou a já me lotaram de trabalhos, fora uns outros pepinos que eu estou tendo que resolver com a minha mãe e meu pai aqui sobre assinatura, papel e mais papel; enfim, minha vida está super enrolada, tanto é que nem respondendo e-mail eu tenho conseguido "/

Hoje eu abri meu e-mail e havia recebido algumas dicas de como cuidar do cabelo, e resolvi compartilhar!
Espero que gostem (=
foto: reprodução
1. Mantenha os cabelos sempre hidratados, usando frequentemente uma boa máscara capilar.
2. Cuide das camadas de queratina. Se tiverem comprometidas por químicas, faça cauterização.
3. Varie sempre o xampu e o condicionador e use um xampu de limpeza profunda (uma vez por semana ou a cada 15 dias) para retirar excessos de químicas, sujeira e oleosidade para que o couro respire melhor. Eles podem entupir os poros e impedir que novos fios capilares saiam.
4. Xampu de jaborandi estimula a circulação sanguinea do couro cabeludo, mas seu uso em excesso resseca os fios; use uma vez por semana.
5. Mantenha as pontas sempre aparadas, e não espere que elas se abram para poder cortar, isso enfraquece os fios causando queda.
6. Evite a água muito quente, pois ela pode causar irritações no couro cabeludo e deixar os fios muito oleosos, o que também inibe o crescimento.
7. Deixe o cabelo respirar. Quando ele vive abafado em lenços, rabos ou coques, ou molhado, os fungos podem proliferar e dificultar o crescimento.

Aposte nos seguinte cardápio:
Proteínas: carnes, ovos, soja, leite e derivados;
Cobre: nozes, castanhas e ostras;
Ferro: fígado, gérmen de trigo, amêndoas, passas, feijão, lentilha e folhas escuras;
Zinco: carnes, gérmen de trigo, levedo de cerveja, ostras, nozes, gema de ovo e óleo de linhaça;    

Algumas vitaminas que previnem a calvice:
Vitaminas do complexo B: soja, lentilha, gema de ovo, abacate, cenoura, semente de girassol e peixes;
Vitamina C: acerola, goiaba, couve, brócolis, pimentão verde, espinafre, laranja e morango;
Vitamina E: óleo de gérmen de trigo, óleo de girassol, nozes e amendoim.

Neste link tem um teste para saber se você fazer o seu cabelo crescer; As perguntas são fáceis, mas podem enganar quem pensa que sabe, eu acertei todas, uhul \o.
Assim como teste citado acima, as matérias que me enviaram por e-mail e que eu resumi aqui foram retiradas do site Minha vida.

Fácil fácil cuidar dos cabelos né meninas?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Justin Bieber house-hunting

Justin Bieber house-hunting: "

Justin Bieber house hunting celebrities

Justin Bieber is ready to buy a house.

The 16-year-old Canadian singing sensation lives with his mother Patti and grandparents when he isn’t working but is now ready to find a home of his own in Los Angeles.

His representative confirmed to “Justin is looking for a house. But nothing has been purchased as of right now.”

Though the ‘Baby’ hitmaker – who is worth an estimated $100 million – hasn’t made a bid for anything yet, he is said to have his eye on a $1.7 million apartment in Westwood, Los Angeles.

The upmarket property boasts four bedrooms and three bathrooms and is 2,400 sq ft.

The building housing the apartment boasts a ‘party’ room, as well as an indoor heated swimming pool and spa.

Meanwhile, Justin – who is rumored to be dating Selena Gomez – has thanked fans after he was nominated for two accolades at the forthcoming Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards.

The singer – who is in the running for Favorite Male Singer and Favorite Song for ‘Baby’ – said: “My life was changed by fans and by kids like me clicking on my videos and letting me chase a dream. Once again those same kids are there and I am forever grateful.

“I’m excited and honored to be nominated for two Kids’ Choice Awards. I hope this encourages other kids to chase their dreams as well,”

Voting for the awards opens on March 7, with the winners revealed on April 2.



Justin Bieber wants to return to Canada

Justin Bieber wants to return to Canada: "

Justin Bieber wants to return to Canada celebrities

Justin Bieber wants to move back to Canada.

The 16-year-old singing sensation is currently looking to buy his first home and although he enjoys living in Atlanta, Georgia, at the moment, he would love to buy a property in his homeland.

He said: “I have a lot of friends in Atlanta now but I think I might move back to Canada.”

The ‘Baby’ hitmaker is worth an estimated $100 million and he admits he has to hire people to keep track of his money.

Asked how he looks after his fortune, he said: “I have a business manager.”

Justin lost out on a Grammy Award for Best New Artist to Esperanza Spalding last night (13.02.11) and though he was disappointed not to win, the teenager says his defeat makes him want to work harder.

He told MTV News: “I had no clue what was going to happen. I worked really hard these past few years and you know, I’m not going to lie, I was disappointed. But, you know, I’m gonna come back next year and we’ll take a few home.

“I’m inspired to work harder than I did last year. It’s going to be hard, but I’m going to try. Bieber fans, don’t get too upset. Be happy.”



Selena Gomez ‘loves’ Justin Bieber

Selena Gomez ‘loves’ Justin Bieber: "

Selena Gomez loves Justin Bieber celebrities

Selena Gomez ‘loves’ Justin Bieber.

The 18-year-old star – who has previously been pictured holding hands with the Baby hitmaker – has revealed she has deep feelings for Justin but confesses she doesn’t understand the level of interest in their relationship.

She told Access Hollywood: ‘I love him. He’s been in my life a very long time. He’s my friend.

‘I think it’s awesome people are interested – I don’t understand why.’

She also confessed she would not be spending time with Justin on Valentine’s Day today (14.02.11) because she was busy working.

She said: ‘I’m actually going to be working all day, so my Valentine will be my fans.’

The Wizards of Waverly Place actress – who has been linked to Nick Jonas and Taylor Lautner in the past – previously claimed she thought of Justin as a “brother” and wouldn’t be able to date him.

She said: ‘Oh brother! He’s little. No, he’s like my little brother. It’s weird to me.’

However, Canadian-born Justin has hinted he may be dating someone special, although didn’t mention Selena by name.

He said: ‘I’m dating. I date a lot of different people. I’m 16, so I just have fun.’



Justin Bieber brags about kissing Rihanna

Justin Bieber brags about kissing Rihanna: "

Justin Bieber brags about kissing Rihanna celebrities

Justin Bieber bragged about kissing Rihanna and Cheryl Cole at the BRIT Awards tonight (15.02.11).

The Canadian teen heartthrob won the International Breakthrough Act trophy, and admitted he sneaked kisses from the glamorous female singers as he went up to collect it.

He tweeted: “I got nervous up there and couldn’t remember anything. Lol. I did get to kiss cherylcole and rihanna on my way to the stage. #swag lol (sic).”

Rihanna had earlier performed a sexy medley of her tracks ‘Only Girl In The World’, ‘S&M’ and ‘What’s My Name’ during the show, while Cheryl presented the International female award to her.

‘Runaway Love’ star Justin, 16, also dedicated his award to his minder during his acceptance speech, even getting him to join him on stage to share the trophy.

Justin said: “I don’t really know what to say. I want to thank my fans, all you guys are amazing, I want to thank the label over here, I and to thank Michael – over here you get an international rep and who travels with you all the time, so Mike, come up here, I want to share this with you, you’re awesome.”

He also hugged singer Avril Lavigne as he left the stage, saying: “And a fellow Canadian right here! Thank you so much everybody.”

Justin also told t show host James Corden he was enjoying listening to ‘Price Tag’ singer Jessie J, who was given the Critic’s Choice Award on the night.



Justin Bieber ‘seeing’ girls since age of 11

Justin Bieber ‘seeing’ girls since age of 11: "

Justin Bieber seeing girls since age of 11 celebrities

Justin Bieber has been dating girls since the age of 11.

The 16-year-old singer – who won Best International Breakthrough Act at the BRIT Awards yesterday (15.02.11) – gets annoyed when people suggest he knows nothing about love because he has been “seeing girls” for five years, and feels he has learnt more about them.

He told BANG Showbiz: “When people say, ‘Oh but he’s 16 what does he know about love.’ Have you ever had a dog? Did you love him? Every kid loves their parents. Then when you get to like 11 or 12 you start seeing girls. And you’re like oh, ‘I want to see this person because she’s cute.’ You don’t know the real meaning of love but you think you do.

“By the time your 15 or 16 you have a little bit more knowledge, because you’ve had, like, one or two girlfriends.”

However the ‘Never Say Never’ star – who has previously been linked to 18-year-old actress Selena Gomez – thinks love is something you learn as you get older, and he reveals he is unlikely to ever “figure out” girls.

He said: “But I think love is a learning process throughout your life, you learn how to be better at it. I’m still learning, I’m not saying I know everything about love, I’m still trying to figure out girls, I don’t think you ever fully figure out girls.”

Justin has previously revealed he is dating a number of girls but has yet to find anyone special.

He said: “I’m dating. I date a lot of different people. I’m 16, so I just have fun.”



Take a look : Justin Bieber CSI Sneak Peek

Justin Bieber CSI Sneak Peek: "

Justin Bieber is reprising his role on “CSI” tonight, February 17th. In the video below you can hear a bit about what Justin thinks about acting vs. singing and what his dream acting role would be. You’ll also get to see some clips of Justin in the show, but you’ll have to tune in tonight to see the rest!

Will you be watching “CSI” tonight to see Justin? If so, be sure to come back here and let us know what you think of the episode!



Bieber News : New Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” Movie Trailer

New Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” Movie Trailer: "

Here is a new movie trailer for Justin Bieber’s 3D movie “Never Say Never.” The movie is currently in theaters and in the new promo video below you can hear what a number of critics had to say about the film. You will also get to see a bunch more clips from the movie that you may not have seen before if you haven’t been to the theater to watch the movie yet!

If you have seen “Never Say Never” be sure to leave a message in the comments section to let us know what you thought of the film!



WOW ! Justin Bieber At The Brit Awards February 15, 2011

Justin Bieber At The Brit Awards February 15, 2011: "

Justin Bieber attended the 2011 Brit Awards on February 15, 2011. The awards show was held at the O2 Arena in London, England and Justin showed up stunning in a black jacket and tie on the red carpet.

Justin took home the Brit Award for Best International Breakthrough Artist! Congratulations Justin!

What do you think of Justin’s red carpet awards event attire?



Justin Bieber News : Justin Bieber At The “Never Say Never” Premiere In London

Justin Bieber At The “Never Say Never” Premiere In London: "

On February 16th the movie premiere for Justin Bieber’s 3D film “Never Say Never” was held in the UK. The premiere took place at the O2 arena in London, England and Justin showed up looking spiffy on the purple carpet at the event. Were you lucky enough to meet Justin at the premiere?

Have you seen Justin’s movie “Never Say Never” in theaters yet? If so, leave your review of the movie in the comments section!

PS – What do you think of Justin’s premiere outfit?



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Selena Gomez “Thirteen Reasons Why” Movie

Selena Gomez “Thirteen Reasons Why” Movie: "

Selena Gomez is slated to play the lead character in the movie adaptation of the young adult novel “Thirteen Reasons Why.”

Selena will reportedly play the lead character in the movie, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide, but not before leaving a number of cassette tapes behind with messages to her classmates. The character Clay Jenson, who may be played by Logan Lerman, finds the tapes along with instructions to pass them out.

The book gives a strong message about treating each other with respect, and we’re sure the movie will do the same. Listen below and let us know what you think about Selena’s possible next movie role.



Video Of Selena Gomez In South America

Video Of Selena Gomez In South America: "

Selena Gomez posted the video below of her trip to South America. While she was there Selena not only performed with her band The Scene, but she also met with a number of her fans! Were you lucky enough to meet Selena while she was traveling?

Which of Selena Gomez and The Scene’s songs is your all-time favorite? Or is it too hard to choose?



Justin Bieber Shops At Victoria’s Secret

Justin Bieber Shops At Victoria’s Secret: "

On Valentine’s Day Justin Bieber was spotted at the Victoria’s Secret store in the Beverly Center mall on Los Angeles, California. The pop star was with his father and reportedly left the store carrying a number of large bags.

No word on what Justin bought, or who it was all for. Perhaps he was picking up some things for his rumored girlfriend Selena Gomez? What do you think?

We love the Victoria’s Secret sweatpants and sweatshirts – so comfy!



Justin Bieber Shares A Dance With A Fan

Justin Bieber Shares A Dance With A Fan: "

Justin Bieber posted the video below of himself sharing a dance with one of his fans! The lucky lady was a golden ticket winner and got to attend one of Justin’s shows and get on stage with him. The video is so adorable!

Here’s what Justin posted along with the video:

Me and the last golden ticket winner. #shameless i know. lol

Watch below and let us know how much you wish you were the girl on stage!



Justin Bieber Wins 2011 Brit Award

Justin Bieber Wins 2011 Brit Award: "

On February 15th Justin Bieber was awarded a Brit Award for Best International Breakthrough Artist! Justin beat out the following artists in the category:

- Bruno Mars

- Glee Cast

- National

- Temper Trap

Here’s what Justin posted about his win:

UK fans and everyone around the world… THANK U!!! #TheBrits I got nervous up there and couldn’t rememeber anything. Lol. I did get to kiss @cherylcole and @rihanna on my way to the stage. #swag …lol And then I thanked @MikeFlaxander and made him come on stage. Hahaha. Awesome moment. Thanks everyone! I luv yall.

Congrats Justin!



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Justin Bieber Meets Esperanza Spalding At The 2011 Grammy Awards

Justin Bieber Meets Esperanza Spalding At The 2011 Grammy Awards: "

In the video below you can see Justin Bieber meeting Esperanza Spalding for the first time at the 2011 Grammy Awards. Justin and Esperanza were both up for the Best New Artist award, and while many viewers thought Justin would win the award it instead went to Esperanza.

In the video Justin and Esperanza talk about how they both have mothers who support them and who are proud of them no matter what. They also talk about how they both love each others hair!



Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith And Usher Perform At The 2011 Grammy Awards

Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith And Usher Perform At The 2011 Grammy Awards: "

Here is the video from Justin Bieber’s memorable performance at the 2011 Grammy Awards held on February 13th. Justin performed with Jaden Smith and his mentor Usher – and we really enjoyed the performance. Watch below and let us know what you think!

Sadly Justin didn’t take home any awards at the Grammys, but he has many more years of stardom ahead of him and multiple chances to get an award!



Selena Gomez Calls Justin Bieber “Family”

Selena Gomez Calls Justin Bieber “Family”: "

Selena Gomez was asked during a recent interview if she would consider collaborating on a song with rumored boyfriend Justin Bieber. Check out what Selena had to say:

I always say I don’t want to mix in family with work, [but] I think that it would be fun. I definitely would be open for it.

Would you like to hear a duet from Selena and Justin?



Justin Bieber Does An Impression Of His Interviewer

Justin Bieber Does An Impression Of His Interviewer: "

Justin Bieber was recently being interviewed about his new movie “Never Say Never,” but before the interview could come to a close Justin made sure to ask a question that he had been wondering! Justin wanted to know whether or not the interviewer was as animated in real life as he was during interviews! Watch below to see the hilarious clip of Justin doing an impression of his interviewer. It will definitely make you laugh!

PS – Have you seen “Never Say Never” in theaters?



Monday, February 14, 2011

How to lose a guy in 10 makeup mistakes

Temos que ficar atentas ao erros clássicos de maquiagem para não pagarmos um micão, certo? 

Eu vi esse vídeo em um blog e achei digno dividir com vocês: trata-se de um tutorial de como perder um cara com 10 erros de maquiagem. Mais basicamente, um tutorial do que NÃO fazer (a não ser que esteja querendo mesmo se livrar de alguém, hehe).

Espero que se divirtam (:

E quem quiser conferir o canal, acesse MakeUpGeekTV. Lá tem bastante coisa legal e tutoriais incríveis.
Um beijo.

Justin Bieber At The 2011 Grammy Awards

Justin Bieber At The 2011 Grammy Awards: "

Justin Bieber walked the red carpet at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards on February 13th. The awards show was held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.

We’re absolutely loving Justin’s white tux and black bow tie – classy!

Did you tune in for the Grammys? Justin may not have taken home any awards, but he did put on a killer performance with Jaden Smith and Usher!
