Thursday, March 31, 2011

O Touro e Ele

Não. Não é uma dupla. Toro Y Moi é o simpático rapaz acima, com pinta de ponta-esquerda do Botafogo de 1973. Sei lá que raios esse pseudônimo significa, mas certamente é bem melhor que Chazwick Bundick, nome verdadeiro deste americano descendente de filipinos. Também não sei responder porque alguém decidiu encaixar a música dele no gênero chillwave - se é que isso pode ser considerado gênero, já que o rótulo simplesmente agrupa outro tanto de estilos tão díspares quanto synthpop, shoegaze e R&B.

Bom, isso também não tem importância porque aparentemente Chazwick tenta se livrar de categorizações em seu segundo álbum, Underneath The Pine. Numa avaliação bem preguiçosa, dá pra dizer que tem um vernizão setentista cobrindo todas as 11 faixas - dos poucos sacolejos encontráveis aqui (a ótima "New Beat" entre elas) até trips enfumaçadas e bem produzidas ("Elise"). E - senta que lá vem clichê - o cara equilibra muito bem eletrônica com sons, hmmm, "orgânicos" (tipo aquele baixo viciante de "Still Sound") e ainda tem uma mão boa pra melodia ("Before I'm Done", mesmo com seu vocal sonolento). Talvez Underneath The Pine não te pegue de primeira, mas esse é um daqueles casos em que a segunda chance é quase obrigatória.

"New Beat": gancho de sintetizador bem sacado.

Preppy Princess

Já fazia algum tempo que eu estava namorando o perfume Princess, da Vera Wang ♥ mas esperei a minha viagem para enfim adquirir o meu. Eu queria o Princess tradicional mesmo, pois a linha tem várias opções {Flower Princess, Princess Rock e Glam Princess} maaaaas daí acabei conhecendo o lançamento da linha, o Preppy Princess! Que ganhou meu coração e veio comigo pra casa.

Preppy Princess

O Preppy Princess tem um aroma doce com cheiro de madeira neutra. Uma delícia! Não é nada enjoativo, na verdade é bem viciante!

O que mais chama atenção é, sem dúvidas, o frasquinho de cristal em forma de coração com a coroinha no topo. Toda a linha segue esse padrão e é um amor, né? (:

Preppy Princess ♥
A coroinha é a tampa do perfume. Logo abaixo dela fica um anélzinho que complementa o toque da coroa, mas eles são independentes. A questão é: o anélzinho é solto e dá perfeitamente para usar de anél.
Além de perfurme, ele acompanha acessório.

Preppy Princess
Esmaltes: 205, da Hits e Hippie Chic, da Colorama
Também fui atrás do significado de Preppy, para ver o que ele complementa nas características do perfume. E olha só o que o tio Wikipédia diz:

O termo preppy envolve características sofisticadas no vocabulário, na atitude, no vestuário e principalmente no estilo de vida de quem o adota.

Em alguns lugares o termo Preppy ainda é perjorativamente confundido com os famosos patricinha ou mauricinho, mas as diferenças não são poucas (...) Preppies têm um conhecimento de etiqueta que em qualquer ocasião colocam em prática, tanto no vocabulário (não utilizam gírias) como nos gestos (cavalheirismo inglês), o altruísmo é inerente. Consegue-se identificar um verdadeiro partícipe através da personalidade e não da vestimenta.

Tudo uma graça, não?

Preppy Princess

Um superbeijo, preppies!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Justin Bieber’s Hair Has Bodyguards!

Justin Bieber’s Hair Has Bodyguards!: "

This is fascinating! On March 29, 2011 Justin Bieber’s hair was on display at Lucky Strike Lanes and Lounge in Miami, Florida and the hair needed not one, but two bodyguards to keep watch over it! While the hair was on display, fans could make a donation toward the Japan Tsunami Relief efforts and would then be awarded the opportunity to have their picture taken with the hair.

We guess if you can’t meet Justin in person his hair is the next best option…but really? Do you think this is a cool idea, or do you think this is taking celebrity status a bit too far?


Hot Bollywood Yoga

Hot Bollywood Yoga Celebrities Actress With Pictures & Photos

Today, Yoga is a physical and mental discipline, which originated in ancient India. It keeps your muscles flexible and strong, and helps calm and relax your mind. Bollywood & Hollywood Celebrities are also adopting this practice in order to strengthen their bodies. It seems more and more Bollywood actresses are becoming hooked on yoga, not only for its physical benefits but also because of its healing effects on the mind. Actresses like Shilpa Shetty, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif, Kareena Kapoor, Sameera Reddy and Kangana Ranaut simply can’t get enough of the eastern practice. Here I am presenting Top hottest bollywood yoga actress pictures, top sexiest yoga celebrities photos, bollywood yoga celebrity wallpapers & bollywood yoga celebrities sexy images.

Chelsea Kane And Mark Ballas Dance The Jive On ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars”

Chelsea Kane And Mark Ballas Dance The Jive On ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars”: "

Here is the video of Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas dancing the Jive on ABC’s “Dancing With The Stars.” We think Chelsea does a fantastic job, but the judges don’t think there are enough Jive moves in the performance and say that instead it is more of an entertaining, fun dance – which is what the audience at home wants to see, so we think their score should have been a bit higher! The duo received a 6, 5 and 7.

Watch below and let us know what you think!


Madison De La Garza And Justin Bieber

Madison De La Garza And Justin Bieber: "

Madison De La Garza officially owns a life-size Justin Bieber cardboard cutout! Her mother Dianna De La Garza posted the photo above along with Tweeting:

We are now the PROUD owners of Life Size Justin Beiber! @maddielovesyou1 is gonna die when she sees I tweeted this!

So cute! Do you own one of these?

Follow Disney Dreaming On Twitter!


WOW Justin Bieber Covers Rebecca Black And Britney Spears

Justin Bieber Covers Rebecca Black And Britney Spears: "

At one of his recent concerts Justin Bieber teased the audience with a quick cover of Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” and Britney Spears’ song “Baby One More Time” before going into his own song “Baby.” The audience seems to really like Justin’s covers! Which of these songs would you like to hear Justin do a full cover of?

P.S. Were you at this concert?


News : Justin Bieber Covers Rebecca Black And Britney Spears

Justin Bieber Covers Rebecca Black And Britney Spears: "

At one of his recent concerts Justin Bieber teased the audience with a quick cover of Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” and Britney Spears’ song “Baby One More Time” before going into his own song “Baby.” The audience seems to really like Justin’s covers! Which of these songs would you like to hear Justin do a full cover of?

P.S. Were you at this concert?


Monday, March 28, 2011

Ursinho Camarada

Derwin Panda é um produtor inglês de eletrônica (nome artístico: Gold Panda). Seu som é uma interessante mistura de ambient, techno e glitch - e se dá pra acreditar que existe hoje em dia um gênero chamado laptop music, pode acrescentar essa tag que mais um rótulo não vai fazer diferença nenhuma. E é bem provável mesmo que esse cara maluco pela cultura japonesa passe horas trancado no quarto com seu chapéu de Ursinho Pimpão e a cara enfiada no seu MacBook Pro experimentando beats empoeirados, samples distorcidos ao limite do irreconhecível e colagens de amostras de som picotadas, tal elefantes (ou melhor, pandas) sendo empurrados pra dentro do Fusca.   

O Fusca em questão é o álbum Companion (saiu dia 22 de Março, capa acima), na verdade uma compilação de seus EPs lançados antes do disco de estréia do artista (o elogiado Lucky Shiner, do ano passado). Perca-se especialmente no violino (ou seja lá o que for que soa como um violino nessa música) de "Back Home", nos kotôs (espécie de harpa japonesa de 13 cordas) e flautas bicho-grilo de "Lonely Owl" e na melodia fatiada de "Triangle Cloud", três belas demonstrações de que Derwin tem a manha com o mouse em punho.

"Back Home": se eu fosse Richard D. James, começaria a ficar preocupado. 

Deepika Padukone


Bollywood hot and sensuous babe Deepika Padukone, being in the bollywood industry as a new, attained herself a strong position. She is an Indian model turned actress. Padukone was born Copenhagen, Denmark. She is a Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmin.

While in college, Padukone pursued a career in modeling. She was spotted in a ramp competition in NLS, Bangalore. Over the years, she has modeled for such Indian brand names as Liril, Dabur Lal powder, Close-Up toothpaste and Limca, and has been "brand ambassador" for the Jewels of India retail jewelery show. The cosmetics company Maybelline made her its international spokesperson.

Candy Bag

Imagem da Betty
Desde que vi a Candy Bag da Furla caí de amores!

Betty lindona ♥
A Candy Bag faz parte da Coleção Primavera/Verão 2011. São várias opções de cores, que são super divertidas! Muitas opções para transformar looks preto e cinza num diferencial total fashion.
A Chiara também tá usando!

Chiara lindona no evento da Furla

Amei! ♥
E vocês, meninas?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

As legítimas

Se as populares havaianas até hoje fazem sucesso aqui na Europa (mais ainda agora, que começa-se a sentir que o verão realmente um dia vai chegar! sim porque no inverno eu pelo menos quase desacreditava que existe mesmo verão por aqui eehehe) o que será então deste lançamendo, disponível por enquanto no Espaço Havaianas, na Oscar Freire (SP), quando chegar pro lado de cá também?

Havaianas Slim Crystal Mesh - R$ 260,00
Slim Crystal Glamour, R$ 31,90
Havaianas Slim Crystal Mesh, R$ 160,00
De verdade mesmo... Meio carinho pra umas havaianas, não?!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

PHOTOS: Selena Gomez Wows

PHOTOS: Selena Gomez Wows: "

Selena Gomez looked stunning when she performed Sunday night at the Concert for Hope to raise money for cancer research.

'So excited!!!!! performing Who Says for the first time tonight at the Concert for Hope,' she tweeted beforehand.

Selena's man Justin Bieber was not in the audience, as he was in Germany over the weekend to shoot an appearance on the television show 'Wetten Dass...?'




Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber Is 'Little'

Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber Is 'Little': "

Back in September, when her relationship with Justin Bieber was still just being noticed, Selena Gomez was pressed by Ellen DeGeneres about what exactly was going on between the two of them.



WATCH: Justin Bieber Pranks Willow Smith

WATCH: Justin Bieber Pranks Willow Smith: "

Justin Bieber and his crew of pranksters decided to pull a fast one on tour mate Willow Smith. As the ten-year-old performed her chart-topping hit 'Whip My Hair,' Bieber's manager Scooter Braun and swagger coach Ryan Goode ambushed her on stage with brightly colored hair-extensions. Bieber followed moments later, parading around stage with a cowbell.

As far as timing goes, this one could have done better; they missed the chorus (prime hair-whipping time) and instead hit the stage right as the energy dropped. Willow's brother Jaden eventually emerged to pull off some pretty epic whipping-of-his-hair-back-and-forth.

Willow being a proper 21st Century girl, won't let this prank go unanswered, tweeting, 'my big brothers Justin and Jaden pranked me on stage tonight...#payback!!!' Revenge is in the air.



Justin Bieber Talks About His Monthly Spending Limit

Justin Bieber Talks About His Monthly Spending Limit: "

Like a typical teen, Justin Bieber’s mother is in control of his financial future. She does allow her son to have a credit card, but once he spends up to the limit he is cut off for the rest of the month. Here’s what Justin revealed:

I only have a credit card which allows me to spend a certain amount of money every month. If I reach the limit after the first week, I can’t buy any more stuff until the month is over. My mom is in control of that.

What do you think of Justin’s allowance situation?



Justin Bieber’s 17th Birthday Plans

Justin Bieber’s 17th Birthday Plans: "

Justin Bieber will be turning 17 years old on March 1, 2011. The pop star revealed his birthday plans to, saying:

I only have, like, four days, so I’m just going to relax, because I start my world tour on March 4 so just going to mentally prepare and just relax. No birthday bash…Hopefully my grandparents will be out here and I’ll be able to spend time, a little bit, with them. My grandma makes the best cheesecake, cherry cheesecake. She made it for my 13th birthday.

If you could give Justin anything for his 17th birthday, what would it be?



Will Justin Bieber Record A Duet With Charice?

Will Justin Bieber Record A Duet With Charice?: "

Singer/actress Charice (“Glee”) was asked at a recent even if she would consider making music with pop sensation Justin Bieber. Here’s her answer:

Why not? He’s an amazing artist. Not only a singer, but an amazing artist. He deserves everything that’s happening to him.

Would you like to hear a song from Justin and Charice?



Justin Bieber Then And Now

Justin Bieber Then And Now: "

Radio Disney host Jake Whetter recently posted a number of photos of pop star Justin Bieber on his Twitter account. The photos show the evolution of Justin, beginning just when he broke into the music scene to a pretty recent photo of the now super famous star! Which photo is your favorite?



Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” International Movie Poster

Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” International Movie Poster: "

Here is an international movie poster for Justin Bieber’s 3D movie “Never Say Never.” The film originally released in the United States on February 11, 2011 and it just re-released in the US in a new Directors Fan Cut edition, which will be available in theaters for one week from February 25, 2011.

Have you been lucky enough to see Justin’s new movie yet? If so, be sure to share your review of the film in the comments section.

Also, let us know what you think of the international movie poster!



Justin Bieber Plays Hockey In New Twitter Picture

Justin Bieber Plays Hockey In New Twitter Picture: "

Justin Bieber uploaded a new Twitter profile picture today, February 27, 2011. In the picture is a younger Justin on the ice in his hockey uniform. What a cutie!

Have you seen Justin’s new 3D movie “Never Say Never” in theaters yet? The Directors Fan Cut edition of the film is currently playing in theaters. If you’ve seen “Never Say Never” be sure to leave your review in the comments section!

PS – What do you think of Justin’s new Twitter picture?



Justin Bieber Featuring Chris Brown “Up”

Justin Bieber Featuring Chris Brown “Up”: "

Below you can listen to Justin Bieber’s new remixed song “Up” featuring artist Chris Brown. The song appears on Justin’s “Never Say Never – The Remixes” soundtrack CD and in the soundtrack for the movie “Never Say Never,” which opened in theaters in 3D on February 11, 2011. The movie is also running in theaters this week with 40 extra minutes of footage in a special Directors Cut Edition! Let us know if you see “Never Say Never” and be sure to tell us what you think.

Also, if you get your hands on the “Never Say Never – The Remixes” soundtrack be sure to share your review in the comments section!
